It's been a while since we've posted anything here and it's been a while since I've written a letter to the editor! So in the spirit of the letter writing challenge I've taken for the month of February there will be 2, I repeat, 2 letters to the editor this month! The first is in response to a previous letter published earlier this month:
Dear Editor,
I am writing in response to Jack P. Smith's letter of February 16.
No offense to Mr. Smith, I do not know him personally, though I do know many Smiths in the area and they could be related, it seems to me that our local economy could use more alcohol and coffee consumption, bars, casinos, tattoo parlors and other locally owned businesses. And university football, though a thorn in the side of local motorists during the hours prior and after game time, seems to be a boon for economic growth in Norman. Particularly from traffic and parking tickets.
Eliminating iPods and electronic games would be like eliminating televisions and radios. As for Blackberries, I don't think anyone really uses them nowadays anyway.
If we were to eliminate these things from our lives, how could we look in the mirror in the morning and call ourselves Americans? I personally challenge Mr. Smith to get out there today, get himself a tattoo and season tickets and stop by the liquor store on the way home to play on his electronic games. Help get this great city of ours back on its feet!
Thank you,
Tim Duncan
A concerned citizen
Published link at Norman Transcript