It's hard to pin down the highlight of our Spring Break. There were many amazing and wondrous things on our journey during the week. Wonders wrought by man and by nature. But perhaps it was that perfect synergy of both that wins the grand prize, when man takes what nature has given him... and paints it.
We were led there by that greatest of vacation resources: Roadside America. If you've ever planned a vacation that involved any driving and you've never visited this site then you're bound to have missed out on opportunities along the way. It has become essential to our Great American Roadtrips and most of the more unusual sights you see in our vacation reports are due to the best travel website on the Information Mother Road! If there's a Giant Muffler Man or tourist trap to be seen, you'll find it here. And this is where we discovered Frog Rock located along Hwy 66 (of course) in Waynesville, MO.
The GPS system on the dash of the van would not accept a world in which Frog Rock existed. The cute little device, affectionately christened Jenny (think 'Jen-nay' from Forrest Gump... don't ask, I'm not sure there's really an answer!), had been the bane of our trip, constantly telling us to get off the highway, make u-turns and generally trying to get us lost, then suddenly getting huffy and clamming up when we would ignore her insistence that we should "Exit now!"
So like in most instances, we were on our own, armed only with the directions from RA. We turned off at Exit 159 and drove NW per our printed instructions. It seemed a hopeless cause.
But just when you think you've gone too far and you've missed it, there it is... in all it's green glory! Like some... magificent... big... frog. It's just too difficult to put into words.
I'm told Oklahoma has its own Frog Rock near Ada! Roadtrip, anyone?
Next up: Are we there yet?
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