Monday, June 09, 2008

Vacation Report: Day One #1

We're back from the Great Potato Run of '08 commonly known as our vacation. Along with our honorary Duncan Ashley P., we made a whirlwind tour of 7 different states! This week I'll be posting highlights from the trip, so sit back and pretend you're riding in the van on a seemingly endless trip across our great country. See the sights. Hear the stories. Smell the smells. You know the ones... coming from the back seat after days on the road!

Picture it: Monday June 2, 2008. Wichita, KS. Our first stop brings us to a host of statues on the streets scattered higgledy-piggledy, depicting everyday ordinary people and animals doing everyday ordinary tasks. But in one city square a larger scene plays out. The counter at a diner reminiscent of an old-time soda shop.

In fact here's what Wikipedia says about it:
The first organized lunch-counter sit-in for the purpose of integrating segregated establishments began in July 1958 in Wichita Kansas at Dockum Drugs, a store in the old Rexall chain. In early August the drugstore became integrated. A few weeks later on August 19, 1958 in Oklahoma City a nationally recognized sit-in at the Katz Drug Store lunch counter occurred. It was led by NAACP youth leader Clara Luper, a local high school teacher, and local students. It took years but she and her students integrated Oklahoma City eating establishments. Today, in downtown Wichita, Kansas, a statue depicting a waitress at a counter serving people honors the sit-in.

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