Sunday, September 16, 2007

Labor Day Labors

Over Labor Day weekend, we made a trip to see the Lawton clan and did some clamboring over the rocks on top of Mt. Scott. Thought we'd share some photos of the trip!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wilburton, OK: Est. 312 million years ago!

My job seems to either run hot or cold, feast or famine. I'm either struggling to get everything done or there's nothing to do at all. On those dry days, when I'm left to my own machinations, I participate in that tried and true time-killer: web-surfing. With no real destination in mind, in a stream of consciousness kind of way, I ride the world wide web waves of information, looking for meaningless bits of trivia, mindless yet entertaining video clips and the like. I invariably find myself searching the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom - Wikipedia. That generally sets me off somewhere else and so forth.

Today was just such a day and here's one nugget I found in my meaderings that peaked my interest:
Iron Cup from Oklahoma Coal Mine, 312 million years old.

On November 27, 1948 the following statement was made by Frank J. Kenwood in Sulphur Springs, Arkansas. "While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Oklahoma in 1912, I came upon a solid chunk of coal which was too large to use. I broke it with a sledge hammer. This iron pot fell from the center leaving the impression mould of the pot in the piece of coal. Jim Stall (an employee of the company) witnessed the breaking of the coal, and saw the pot fall out. I traced the source of the coal, and found that it came from the Wilburton, Oklahoma, Mines. According to Robert O. Fay of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, the Wilburton mine coal is about 312 million years old. What advanced civilization or visitor was creating or using iron pots in our past more than 300 million years ago?

Has anyone heard of this before? I thought the only "mystery artifact" in Oklahoma was the Heavener Runestone - but looks like Wilburton has its own with this iron pot. It's news to me! 60 year old news, but news nonetheless!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Factoid of the Day!

Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dr. Loveless I Presume?

This one's for Greg and anyone else who watched The Wild Wild West as a kid.

Clickie Clickie

Friday, August 03, 2007

Factoid of the Day!

Armadillos can walk underwater.

The Thunder Rolls

Being a non-practicing comic book geek (yeah I plan on seeing the newest Fantastic Four movie again and I'm working on designing my own FF boardgame but I haven't bought a comic book in years... honest!) the latest from the Marvel Bullpen really got me excited! Not because they're relaunching an old Marvel standby, Thor the god of thunder or that Dr. Donald Blake will be returning as the thunder god's alter-ego but because they're setting it all in Oklahoma! That's right, Thor is now an Okie! Here's a quote straight from the Marvel press release:
"Normally, we'd think that a god would have a grand return. Perhaps descending from the heavens into the middle of Times Square or onto the White House lawn. In this case, the God of Thunder lands in a fairly unexpected place--Oklahoma. It seems odd that Thor would choose this destination for his springboard back into action, but JMS says that it's only natural. "In classical mythology, you could be crossing an open field and come across a god...Diana, Hercules, Thor, they weren't removed from the human world, they were right there amongst us," he professes. "I wanted to go back to that model, for both the contrast it gives us and a sense of how the gods fit in to our own lives. And there's a specific reason for Oklahoma that can be found by anyone looking to do a little historical legwork...." The clues are out there, so stopping by the library on your way to pick THOR #1 is highly recommended."

More here.

So go out and pick up the latest Thor comic book and see how they portray our home state (I imagine pens are at the ready for the letters page already) and see what adventures may be occuring in our own backyard!

UPDATE: Greg has a subscription! We expect full updates on any interesting developments in the story!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Factoid of the Day!

Trying something new to keep activity on MuchAdoAboutDuncans lively. Today we're starting the Factoid of the Day!

Today's Factoid of the Day is:

The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

This has been your Factoid of the Day!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

New Look

Hey! I like the new look. When we have time, we'll post pictures from the Fourth.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Hey! They Even Celebrate the 4th in Wagoner, Too!

Despite missing out on the Lawton Festivities this year (shame on us and shame on you if you missed as well!) we did manage to blow some things up in Wagoner. That's what America's independence is all about, right? And no, we don't condone the handling of live fireworks despite standing idly by while friends of the family (and honorary Duncans) Ashley & Bobby shoot off Roman Candles. But it makes for a heck of a photo opportunity!

Despite their recklessness, it was Cassie who limped away with the most injuries for the day with ash burns, shrapnel from a year-old smoke bomb that beaned her in the head and a cat scratch. Okay, the cat scratch wasn't necessarily an explosive-related injury but it still hurt!

V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N In The Summer Sun!

Thought we'd post some holiday snaps. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. For those not in the know - we made a long arduous roadtrip to sunny Ft. Walton Beach, Florida last month just to bask in the sun (and avoid a sunburn at all costs) and frolic in the surf of the Emerald Coast. A good time was had by all despite one day of rain (it IS Florida after all) and a very expensive restaurant choice (avoid Captain Kidd's in Destin, FL at all costs)!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition has been in Lawton the last week and half. The Westbrook family has a father who was paralyzed in Iraq. Also a son who was paralyzed in a car accident. Their old home was demolished by a Ft. Sill tank. A new 4,000 square foot home was built to acommodate two week chairs. The eposide will air April 15th.

Left to Right: -- Preston who spend the entire week in Lawton working on the home. -- The Westbrook family going into the home for the first time. -- Ed went down the entire line of specators signing everything handed to him. -- Ty riding in with the calvary. -- Move that Bus! (you wouldn't believe how many times the crowd said that, and the number of times it was filmed).

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Flashback: Old Pictures vs Negatives

Negatives have it hands down over printed photos. I had scanned in a number of photo albums. Pictures had faded over time, cracked, faded, missing pieces. Scanning in the negatives you find new colors or missing details. Details around the picture that were not there in the printed photo. Negatives also provide sharpen pictures than the original printed photos.

Top photo is from 1949 with Mom and her dog Shortie.
Bottom photo is Mike and Gail from Christmas Day 1961.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jordan, Ashley, and Hailey Birthday Bash

The birthday bash was moved to Saturday January 27th, 2007. Last week we had a couple of inches of ice on the ground. The 27th started out with rain. Mid morning we had snow and by the afternoon the sun came out for a few minutes. Jordan and Ashley had previously opened presents on their actual birthday and also helped Hailey open her present. They now think every day is their birthday and want to know where the presents are.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

In Loving Memory

Rosie Duncan

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We Have A Wiener!

It was a hard fought battle between well equipped opponents. But at long last there is a victor in the First Annual Duncan Family College Bowl Blowout! We all picked our favorites, through long thought out processes, weighing the pros and cons of each team. Which quarterback had the accuracy and quick-wittedness to rise above the rest? Which defensive line was an unstoppable wall of grit and muscle? Which mascot was the cutest?

Then the games began. In the beginning it looked like the girls had the upper hand. Melissa and Julie started out strong, picking the first 15 or so match-ups with almost unerring accuracy. Even Jordan held her own with the best of them in the beginning. Would these girls proof to know more about this manliest of sports than the boys? Hunter and I particularly languished in the bottom ranks. But we vowed to make a comeback as the bowl games stacked up.

And sure enough after all was said and done, when the dust had cleared, our final winners of the highly coveted Duncan Family No-Prize for picking the most winners in the 2006-2007 Duncan Family College Bowl Blowout are Mike D. and Eric H. with 21 correct picks! Congratulations boys! You'll be receiving what's coming to you soon!

We won't mention who came in dead last... sniff sniff.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

And Still More . . .

The third one is a picture of our live nativity outside our church. I'm Mary and Cassie is an angel . . .talk about typecasting!

Yet more Christmas Pics

More Pics

Christmas Pics

Here are some pics from Christmas! All from the new camera!!!