Saturday, March 27, 2010

Vacation Report #5

Teenagers are fascinated by "energy drinks". You know the stuff. It's like non-alcoholic beer for teenagers. At least back in the day we drank things like Mountain Dew or at worst Jolt Cola to get that sugar/caffeine buzz, products that at least had a modicum of taste, unlike the swill that pours forth from convenience stores nowadays. They all have "adult" labeling and vaguely illicit names like "Vault", "Semtex", "Red Eye", "NOS" and "Rockstar".

Unfortunately Cassandra has discovered them, after a long stint of abstaining from fizzy beverages in general due to her growing health consciousness. It's a proud moment when my daughter orders water in restaurants. But now she's backsliding with "energy drinks". And to make things worse there's chewing gum with the same sort of stuff in it! And this is what she was chewing when this was filmed at one of the tourist information stops along the long road to St. Louis:

Try to convince her it's nasty stuff. It'll go over better coming from you!

Hannah joins in the fray!


Mike D said...

Would like to watch the video. But, it says it's "private".

Tim D. said...

Video should be fixed now!

Mike D said...

Muchos gracias! (That's Spanish for, "well, it's about time!" or something like that.