Sunday, September 20, 2009

Letters From A Nut #3

Published in Norman Transcript September 20, 2009 -

A 'Halloween gotcha?'

Editor, The Transcript:

After reading the letter from Tim Duncan "Missing my friendly former neighbor" only two things came to mind: The editor has been "had." Duh. Or the editor is clever and wants to see if readers are paying attention.

This has got to be a joke, based upon ideas from a dozen or so old horror stories, TV, and/or books. The "pipewrench" (Clue) hooks instead of hands (Urban Legend), crazy old man who thinks he is Santa (Old Twilight Zone TV), the gay couple, something buried in the backyard, strange cars around a silent house, etc. Hmmm and all on one block, one neighborhood...

Is this the first report in a series of such mysterious doings in Norman leading up to a "Halloween gotcha?" Are you having us on, Tim? Liar, liar, pants on fire.


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