Thursday, March 23, 2006

Welcome to Much Ado About Duncans!

Hey kids! Thought I'd start a blog - you know, one of those annoying online journal thingeys that self important people with loads of time on their hands post for absolutely no one to read.

"What a great concept!" I thought to myself. "How can I get on the blogging bandwagon?" I thought to myself again.

And here I am! Or at least here we are. Hopefully this blog will include the rest of my family as well - possibly expanding to the rest of the Duncans in the great state of Oklahoma. Haven't actually let them know about it yet. We'll see. Very exclusive club, you know.

Anyhoo, until next post...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

How in the heck does this work oh Bloggy McBlogston of Bloggerton?